1 kings 3:5-14 key: IF you follow me…
Lots of people get baptized and think they are done – like having a baby and thinking you are done…doesn’t work that way!
Baptism is just the beginning!
Wonder why life is so hard? Are you still
In the diaper stage of your spiritual
1 kings 11: 1-13 note: loved MANY foreign women …INSISTED on loving them anyway (despite the Lords instruction to leave them alone)
Even the wisest man made bad decisions
a consequence: In fact, they turned his heart away from the Lord (just as God had warned)
V10: God warned SPECIFICALLY… so kingdom was taken away from Solomons son
Harder to see you sins hurt your children than hurt you
If Satan will monkey with wisest man on earth, do you think he’ll monkey with you?
If the wisest man can make a bad decision, you think you can make a bad decision?
He said to himself, I know what God has said but I want to be happy!
Watch Out For That Mindset! You will pay for it royally – much more than you would ever want to!
2 Chronicles 14:1-13 Asa had the Lord in his corner
So they went ahead with these projects and brought them to completion
Had Gods help because he relied on the Lord and not own understanding
2 Chronicles 16:1-10 v7 key: you put your trust in man and not in the Lord
God is looking for those whose hearts are FULLY COMMITTED
Started strong, but not above bad decisions!
How many times have I made decisions and said I’m not going to bother God with this?! Was that good? NO! That’s leaning in your own understanding! What God wants: FULLY TRUST HIM
When dreaming of buying a new truck- consumed with the “itch” – go to bed talking about it-wake up thinking about it-reading brochure throughout day
That’s what we should be doing with the Lord – consumed with an “itch” for him- go to bed thinking about him – wake up talking about him-reading his ‘brochure’ (Bible) throughout the day

2 Chronicles 24:1-3 King Joash started out good – ended bad – he was loyal bc of influence of joadih. Once influence was gone, easy persuaded to do wrong

2 Chronicles 26:3-5, 16-21 king became powerful then became proud – that was the beginning of downfall. You who think you stand take heed lest you fall
Watch out for PRIDE!

Today your worship is preparation for life
Clemsons practice prepared them to win the championship game within the highest pressure situation with calm demenor and confidence bc they had done the hard prep work
Matt 4:1-11 Jesus had prepared for the temptation of the enemy and was ready
If Jesus battled with Satan, you think he won’t come to you? Especially When you have a need (Jesus was hungry)? Don’t you think he’ll Make it look like a good choice?

***where are you today?***

Romans 6:12-14
Romans 8:5-11

Been to church? Been to marriage conferences? But have you put it into practice?
Got Bibles in your house? Have you put the words from the Bible into practice?

Matt 22:17-40

I Want to be spiritually stronger on my deathbed than I’ve ever been!