Gen 37:1-4…jealous leads to a bad decision, jealousy today is just as rampant as it was in Genesis. John 10:10…needs to be applied to our life today by maturing your spiritual ears to hear our father. Satan will monkey with especially if you (let) him. 
We have 2 choices: 

1. We can let Satan monkey with us Sun-Sat

2. Or we can chose Jesus to lead our life and have a rich and satisfying life.            

You must stay plugged in to the power source! Matthew 20:20-28…..Jesus said the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy…Disciples could not focus because they were jealous/selfish (what about me), Jesus was telling about His and their future, but their focus was on themselves. “It will be different “! Do you see what Satan does in this passage and in our lives. ITS TIME TO PUT UP A FIGHT!  

    Satan picks and chooses his weapons especially when he knows what will work and be effective. We need to develop a plan! Ex: jealousy, angry, lust, envy, division, pornography, malice, pride, creating name a few. You’ve got to get beyond the fighting stage, TO THE WINNING STAGE! You and GOD together can OVERCOME…KEEP ADJUSTING UNTIL YOU COMING BACK AND WINNING NOT just in THE GAME. Gal: 5:16-23…, Proverb 14:30..When we don’t go to Dr JESUS and HIS word we get eat up with sin/sickness cancer=jealousy… Gala6:1-5….GOD wants you to be like Him, I’m responsible for my own conduct and my own relationship with JESUS! Your focus needs to stay on GOD, not satan’s distractions!! FIGHT BACK!!