What is Kidspoint?

Our Mission in Kidspoint is to  Love, Guide, Teach, and Watch them Lead. In our Kidspoint ministry we will love your child as Jesus does.   Through a safe and fun environment, we will guide them to know and understand who Jesus is and how much he loves them. We will teach them Biblical Truths from His Word and help them begin to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that your child becomes a leader for Christ, while in Kidspoint, and that they have the confidence and knowledge to share Jesus with their family and friends.

Kidspoint Meeting Times

Sunday Morning- 9:50

Midweek– Homegroups that offer childcare have a midweek lesson, snack, and playtime for kids to fellowship together. 


6 weeks-17 months


18 months- 2 years


3 year olds- PreK

Kidspoint Worship

5K-5th Grade-Whole Group Worship Time along with Small Groups

K-5th Grade Current Series- Game Changer


Through this 8-week series, Kidspoint is learning what it looks like to play on God’s Team. They are learning Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do. Suppose either of them falls down. Then the one can help the other one up.”


Upcoming Events