Home Groups
Let’s Connect
Home groups are the life blood of our church and one of the main focuses. They are made up of 12-15 people and 2 facilitators to lead the conversation. It is not a one way discussion, but a place to open up, ask questions and be encouraged. Just as Jesus ministered to the masses, but pulled aside and poured into the twelve disciples, so North Point Church encourages all to find a home group where they feel comfortable to get the most of out of that more intimate time of fellowship. We encourage people to try different home groups to find the right fit and emphasize that no one will get mad at you or hold grudges toward you if their home group isn’t where you land. We are united in the fact that we want you to follow God in your choices, not attempt to please man. We want you plugged in where the Lord guides – no matter where that ends up being! Below you can find our homegroup leaders, their meeting days/times, and a contact number.

Mark and Sunshine Chandler
Day: Sunday Afternoon
Location: North Point Church Youth House
Time: 4:00PM -5:30PM
Childcare is provided.
Contact: Mark (864) 838-1911 Sunshine (864) 838-1756

Paul and Cindy Gooch
Day: Tuesday Night
Location: North Point Church
Time: 6:30-7:30 PM
No Childcare
Contact: Paul (864) 491-2163 Cindy (864) 490-4211
New Study Starting March 11th- Twelve Ordinary Men

Allen and Cheryl Segner
Day: Wednesday Night
Location: 1205 Oak Ridge Road Gaffney SC 29341
Time: 6:30-8:00 PM
No Childcare
Contact: Allen (864) 838-5531
Cheryl (864) 838-5530

Charlie and Bobbie Sarratt
Day: Wednesday Night
Location: 101 Topaz Lane Gaffney, SC 29341
Time: 6:30-8:00 PM
No Childcare
Contact: Charlie (864) 490-3807 Bobbie (864) 490-5866
Please call Charlie or Bobbie before attending for the first time to ensure location has not changed to another member’s home.

Greg and Sam Kirby
Day: Wednesday Night
Location: 468 Smoke Ridge Road Gaffney, SC 29340
Time: 6:30-8:00 PM
No Childcare
Contact: Greg (864) 619-9744
Sam (864) 619-9776

Kyle and Megan Sarratt
Day: Wednesday Evening
Location: North Point Church
Time: 6:30-7:30 PM
Childcare is provided.
Contact: Kyle (864) 490-0404 Megan (864) 490-3903

Terry and Shirley Jackson
Day: Wednesday Night
Location: North Point Church
Time: 6:30-7:45 PM
Childcare is Provided
Contact: Terry (864) 838-8130
Shirley (864) 838-8161

Jon and cherie monsterman
Day: Thursday Night
Location: North Point Youth House
Time: 7:00-8:00 PM
Childcare is Provided
Home Group for College Age/Young Adult
Contact: Jon (864) 561-0186
Cherie (864) 431-6774

Sharon ramsey
JOY Homegroup(just older Youth)
Day: Tuesday Afternoon
Location: North Point Youth House
Time: 1:00 PM
Contact: Sharon (864) 619-9619

Chris and Dawn Lipscomb
Day: Thursday Evening
Location: North Point Church
Time: 6:30
Childcare Provided
Contact: Dawn (864) 491- 3504